Monday, June 19, 2006

Mean Girls Love Spam of the Day

Here's the spam of the day:

"She is tailwind visual aristotelean. She is cruddy clarinet sowbelly bronzy."

Sounds like the makings of a great pop song--or graffiti on the bathroom walls at the school of the arts. I don't know what they're saying, but I certainly hope I'm not bronzy.

For the unhip, "bronzy" is bad--as opposed to the cool lingo of my current favorite defunct television show, Firefly, in which "shiny" is good. If you're tired of trying to stay cool like me, check out Paul Grant's blog, by clicking here or scrolling through my links.

Swallowed any good spam lately?


Mr Steve said...

Where's the Superman Hype? Last summer it was all about the Batman "prequel" yet I haven't seen you discuss or at least reference the "Superman is gay" or "Superman as Christ figure" buzz out there. So will you be heading to an Imax to see it in 3D?

David Zimmerman said...

Hey! Mr. Steve's back! I'll try to crank out my Superman stuff this week. I've never been overly enamored with Superman; that being said, I did mark my calendar for the new movie about four months ago. Happy birthday to me . . .

I did write very briefly about Superman for a post at Strangely Dim called "RU X or S?"

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What follows is an excerpt from the Winter 2021 edition of Middling, my quarterly newsletter on music, books, work, and getting older. I'...