Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Spam of the Day

I've been afraid to follow the link, but I am fascinated by what distinguishes "violent cooperation" from everyday, run-of-the-mill cooperation--or violence, for that matter. I suppose the Hulk was a member of the Avengers for a while, and the only cooperation you can really count on from the Hulk is going to be violent, I guess. Maybe that's what they're doing: recruiting amoral, rage-driven superheroes. Any thoughts? Anybody daring enough to make the leap?

TO: Reggy Eartha (aka me):
SUBJECT: Job in USA (that's "Jahb" not "Jobe")

Good day Sir/Madam,
We inform you about new vacancies in Violent Cooperation Company.If you are interested in our offer, please, write an e-mail to our manager Donald Albanese and visit our website http://violentcooperation.us/job_offer.htmlto receive a Representative Contract and detailed information about this job.
Best Regards,
"Violent Cooperation" Company

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nope, definately not brave enough!!!

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