Friday, October 26, 2007

Quote of the Day

My friends over at Think Christian very kindly linked over to a previous post here about self-promotion in Christian ministry. A comment there from REB is today's quote of the day:

"God isn’t going to bless vanity!"

Short and sweet. It preaches. Nicely done; it beats out the quote I was going to run with, from Jack Nicholson in As Good As It Gets: "Go sell crazy somewhere else."

I suppose the two are related . . .


Pete Juvinall said...

...We're all full up here! :)

lol, I just saw the confirmation word - it's 'inrut'.

Karen said...

hehe. I forgot just how funny As Good As It Gets is.

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting. Thanks for taking the time to write these lines

Kyle White said...

I want to see some Jack Nicholson films now. And, I want to pick up your book. Thanks!

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