Monday, July 07, 2008

Oak is to Brook as Barnes is to Noble

In case you're among the handful of people I haven't already pestered about this . . .


Wednesday night, July 9 (that's real soon), I'll be at the Barnes & Noble in Oak Brook, Illinois, to read from, answer questions about and sign copies of my book Deliver Us from Me-Ville. I'll be getting there at 7pm and reading at 8pm. The store will kick me out at 9pm. I'd love to have you join me before they do.

I fully recognize that a two-hour book signing is not worth traveling across country for, but if you're in the Chicago area, please do consider coming out. A friend of mine will be videotaping the whole thing, so if you aren't able to come, check back here or on Facebook for a video archive. Sure to be exciting; I tend to spit when I talk.


L.L. Barkat said...

Um, yup, too far for me.

Could you sign my blog post? :)

Anonymous said...


Wish we could join you, but we will not be in the area until Friday-late afternoon. We are hoping that you will be able to do a signing in our area soon.

Everyone loves your book, and we are promoting it.

Proud of you

Daphne said...

congrats! wish i could be there.


Both Inspiration and Cautionary Tale: Excerpts from Middling

What follows is an excerpt from the Winter 2021 edition of Middling, my quarterly newsletter on music, books, work, and getting older. I...