Friday, August 02, 2013

Good News for People Who Like Old Ebooks

Good News: David C. Cook, publisher of my book Deliver Us from Me-Ville, is making the ebook free for download for two days--August 5-6, 2013.

Then, from August 7 through September 7, the ebook will be sold for only 99 cents.

Here's what one fellow has written about the book on Goodreads:

A book about how Jesus can displace us from the center of our self-involved lives. It's tough to do in America, but Zimmerman, aided by abundant quotes from the spiritually wise, especially Bonhoeffer, provides a route. It includes spiritual practice and the church and focuses centrally on Jesus. I liked his humorous, self-deprecating tone and found the "escape routes" or exercises at the end of each chapter especially useful. God knows I can use all the help I can get getting over me.
Just go to David C. Cook's website, click on the book, then click on the link for your preferred ebook platform (e.g., for Kindle, Barnes & Noble for Nook).

Please spread the word! And if you've read the book, please consider writing a review on Goodreads, or your blog, or send your friends an email about it. Message me on Facebook with a link to your review and your address, and I'll mail you a copy of my booklet The Parable of the Unexpected Guest (see the sidebar) as thanks.

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